Tuesday, April 5, 2011



This woman is posting  requests for formula checks and coupons so that she can either sell them on eBay or trade them for other things, like postage stamps.  She's posted in a bunch of groups on WTE and on other sites.  You can google search her email to see the other sites.  She does this to play on the compassion of others so that she can SELL the checks/coupons on eBay.  She posted in the Jan 2011 board, and she's been found out.

Don't be fooled!

I've posted this in response to her several requests on different groups on WTE.  Women like this really piss me off...playing on the compassion of others.  She claims that her husband has been laid off, and they need formula, and that she's lucky that her baby can switch back and forth between formula brands.  One lady responded that she should try WIC, and she gave some lame ass excuse which shows that she hasn't even applied for WIC.  If she's truly in need, that's one thing, but women have gone as far as to send her cans of formula (costing them out of their pocked for postage) because they have believed her story.

I can't believe how horrible some people can be.